March 11, 2025

2025-26 Competitive Season Information and FAQs (UPDATED)

2025-26 Tryouts  

The Nepean Minor Hockey Competitive program is designed with a development-first approach. All players in divisions (U9- U15) that follow the Hockey Canada Pathways program will be offered four (4) conditioning skates and a minimum of three (3) evaluated sessions in addition to their tryout jerseys. Goalie specific sessions will be available for all divisions and contact clinics for U14 registered players.  

Currently, Nepean Minor Hockey Association is not accepting any import players.

Registration is limited to those who reside within District 10 – Nepean.

Pathway Schedule

Link to schedule

AA/A Spring Tryout Dates:  

  • U10-U11: May 1-13 
  • U12-U16: May 2-16 
  • U9 & U18: Tryouts will commence in the fall

Registration for Spring tryouts will open late March

B Fall Tryout Dates:  

  • U10-U18: After Labour Day 

These dates are subject to change. Be sure to check back here for the most up-to-date information. 

2025-26 Tryout Fees

AA/A $250
B $125
U9 $125
U18 AA/B $250

Fall tryout registration will open June 2025.

All players selected for a Nepean Competitive team agree to participate in all team activities – including off-ice training. 

 2025-26 Competitive Team Composition  

  • U9 A Black 
  • U9 A White 
  • U10 A 
  • U10 B 
  • U11 AA 
  • U11 A 
  • U11 B 
  • U12 AA 
  • U12 B Black 
  • U12 B White 
  • U13 AA 
  • U13 B Black  
  • U13 B White 
  • U14 AA 
  • U14 B 
  • U15 AA 
  • U15 B 
  • U16 AA 
  • U16 B 
  • U18 AA 
  • U18 B 

Pre-Tryout/Season Information and Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the timeline for coach interviews?  Interviews are expected to be completed in the last two weeks of March.    
Are all applicants interviewed? Yes, all applicants will be invited to an interview 
When will coach assignments be announced?    AA/A coaches will be announced in April and in time for the AA/A spring tryout process.   

Coaches for all competitive B teams will be announced after completion of the AA/A tryout process – likely in mid-May.    

Why won’t Competitive B coaches be announced at the same time as AA/A coaches?    This is to allow for any possible changes in coach assignment resulting from the outcome of the AA/A tryout process.  However, interviews for all head coach positions (AA/A and B) will be completed during the same period in March.  
What is NMHA’s policy on coaching multiple years with the same cohort of players?  All NMHA Competitive Program coaches are appointed for the coming season only. There is no explicit promise of a second or subsequent year with the same player group. 
Where can I find more information on the competitive coach selection process?    The competitive coach selection process is detailed in the NMHA Competitive policies found on our website: 

Competitive Team Tryouts 

Please refer to our Competitive page for more information.

When are the AA/A tryouts?    For the 2025-26 season, AA/A tryouts will start in early May.  A level (U10/U11) tryouts will start a few days earlier than AA.  This allows for completion of AAA tryouts before starting the AA tryouts.   

  • U10A and U11AA are tentatively scheduled to start on May 1, 2025 
  • U12 to U16 AA tryouts are tentatively scheduled to occur between May 2 and May 16, 2025.   
  • U18 AA tryouts will be held in September.  This allows for completion of the U18 AAA and Junior tryout process prior to starting U18 AA.   
Will there be a AA combine as part of the AA tryouts?   No, there will not be a combine as part of the AA tryout process.   
Do all players need to attend AA / A tryouts even if they are likely to play at the B level?   No, a player may choose to wait and only try out for a competitive B team. Rep B tryout registration will be available in June. 
When are the tryouts for Competitive B teams?   Tryouts for Competitive B teams will start in late August with many starting after Labour Day.  Schedules will be shared later in the summer.   
Is NMHA hosting Body Contact clinics for those new to contact level hockey?   Yes, NMHA will schedule clinics for those entering the U14 competitive program.  These will be offered in April – prior to tryouts for AA/A and again in August/September in advance of the U14 B tryouts.  More information will be shared once schedules are confirmed.   
Where can I get more information on NMHA competitive tryout policies?  NMHA has developed a comprehensive set of competitive tryout policies.  They can be found on our website at: 
Will NMHA accept import players for competitive teams?    NMHA is not accepting import players. Registration is limited to those who reside within the boundaries of district 10.  
What is the process to be reinstated to NMHA if I played in a non-sanctioned league during the 2024/25 winter season?    Players who played in a non-sanctioned league in the current season and wish to return to HEO Sanctioned Programming (including NMHA) for next season, and tryout in the Spring for AAA/AA/A teams, will need to apply to HEO for reinstatement prior to the beginning of the tryout schedule. This is an HEO process and must be coordinated through Jeff Baker at: 

 [email protected] 

Spring/Summer hockey is not considered non-sanctioned hockey. 

Following / After Spring Tryouts

What happens after a player makes a AA/A team?  And during the summer?  After AA/A tryouts, and teams are finalized, there is a pause on NMHA sanctioned and coordinated hockey until the season commences in September.  NMHA does not have any expectation or requirement for the team to practice in any form (on/off-ice) during the summer months.  Teams will not be provided with any NMHA ice-time during the summer period. 
What if an out of area player moves/transfers into NMHA during the summer and after spring tryouts are complete?  If a AA/A caliber player moves into the NMHA District during the off-season, there will be an opportunity for that player to be evaluated and considered for a AA/A team. If the association determines that the player should join the team, an additional player will be added to the roster.  No existing player will be removed to make room for the new addition.  See our Registration page.
If a player is released at the Spring AA tryouts, will their tryout registration automatically be transferred to the B tryouts? No, unfortunately, our fiscal year ends on May 31st annually, and our Hockey Canada Registry resets on June 1st each year. As a result, separate tryout registrations and fees apply for each session, except for U18. U18 tryouts will take place in the Fall.
Why are tryout fees going up?
The NMHA has not increased tryout fees in four years. However, the HEO membership fee, AA/A league fees, ice costs, and jersey expenses have all increased and continue to rise due to the current economic conditions. Tryout fees reflect these increased costs
When will the Hockey Canada pathway sessions be offered? Canada pathway program (U9 to U15) will be offered during Spring and Fall tryouts. The pathway program provides members witadditional value and conditioning and is included as part of your tryout registration and fee.
How did you determine the team composition?
Our Technical Director attends numerous games and practices across all levels, offering valuable feedback and guidance to the NMHA for planning the upcoming year. The board gives significant emphasis to the Technical Director’s recommendations when evaluating each division’s capacity and determining the growth we can offer each season.

Board members with players in divisions under discussion did not participate in the decision process. 



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