February 22, 2025

House League Convener – Description of Duties

The Convener is responsible for overseeing all aspects of a House League division. 



  • Lead and run sort out process for division 
  • Oversee the division and respond to issues, concerns, complaints 
  • Support the recruitment and selection of coaches  
  • Provide communication to all within division as needed  
  • Attend regular House League Meetings  

Sort outs  

  • Support volunteers with evaluations, sign in, on ice help, trainers for sort out process 
  • Build sort out teams each week and notify families of sort out times in a timely manner.  
  • Sort through evaluation scores and use these to effectively build new sort out teams and help determine level of play for each player, as well as to ensure balance among teams  
  • Build all teams to ensure balance and communicate with the coaches  

Sort outs last for 3 weeks and are intense and time consuming.  There is a very short turnaround time between each weekend.  The convener must be available and committed to the time needed to run a successful sort out.   


  • Attend games once teams are built to watch for players who may be of a skill level to be promoted to another level 
  • Watch games to ensure balancing of teams in all levels – teams should be of comparable skill level, adjust to achieve this – perfect balancing is not always possible  
  • Notifying parents and coaches of balancing moves and responding to the concerns should any arise 

During the season  

  • Assign practice Ice to teams  
  • Monitor the ice system regularly to ensure there is no unassigned or burned ice.    
  • Respond to questions, concerns, or issues that arise, know when to request director assistance  
  • Monitor all game sheets for suspensions, ‘games served’ and affiliations  
  • Attend games as needed to address concerns or issues  

Playoffs and end of season  

  • Attend all Final games and present the awards at the finals  
  • Ensure that the Equal ice policy is being adhered to  
  • Gather player evaluations from all coaches  
  • Ensure all communication is forwarded to facilitate the end of season  
  • Ensure all ice bills are distributed and paid  
  • Ensure bank accounts are closed by May 31 

 Time Commitment  

Beginning of the season: 

  • 12-14 hours at a rink overseeing sort outs, and then several 
  • additional hours building sort out teams preparing for the following weekend, communicating with families.    
  • balancing time period, need to attend as many games as possible to look for balancing issues, and to make adjustments throughout that period.    

 Throughout the season: 

  • 2-hours a week 
  • Communicate any season related updates to coaches 
  • Assign practice ice 
  • Reschedule games 
  • Liaise with interlock associations  


  • attend playoff games to watch for fair play, fair ice, etc.   
  • Present medals 

Preferred Skills  

  • Strong Computer Skills, particularly in Excel  
  • Excellent communication, problem solving and conflict resolution skills  
  • Strong Hockey Sense – ability to recognize balanced teams  
  • Organized   
  • Ability to respond quickly to inquiries and be accessible   

Convener may not oversee a division they have a child playing in.