March 27, 2025


Currently, Nepean Minor Hockey Association is not accepting any import players.
Registration is limited to those who reside within the boundaries of the NMHA.

The NMHA’s competitive program runs from U9 to U18. The following is included with competitive try-out registration:

U9, U10 and U11 (AA/A/B, as applicable) 

  • Non-Evaluated Pathways Skates: 4 x 1-hour sessions
  • Evaluated Try-outs:
    • A minimum of 3 sessions
    • 1 hr. goalie evaluation session
    • 1 skills session, skills only offered at start of AA (if applicable)
    • 2 intrasquad games, release
    • Continuing players/goalies intrasquad game, release
  • Jersey(s) and socks that the player will keep.

U12 to U18 (AA/A/B, as applicable) 

  • Non-Evaluated Pathways Skates (U12-U15 only): 3 x 1-hour sessions
  • Evaluated Portion:
    • A minimum of 2 evaluated ice sessions, prior to first release
    • 1 hour goalie evaluation session
    • Continuing players/goalies intrasquad game, second release
    • Continuing players/goalies intrasquad game/exhibition game, final release **Balancing game for those divisions with two rep B teams**
  • Jersey(s) that the player will keep

Competitive try-outs typically begin after Competitive Conditioning Camps (U12-U15 before Labour Day, others after), and continue for the following three weekends. Your player can expect one ice time per weekend of try-outs. Goalies may receive an additional ice time over the three weeks. After this, around the last weekend in September/the first weekend in October, the regular season begins.

Try-outs U9-U18

Try-outs for our competitive program begin in the fall. Once try-outs begin, players will be guaranteed a minimum of 2 try-out ice times depending on the level. Prior to the first try-outs, parents and players will receive an email indicating which try-out team the player has been assigned for their cohort. Players are expected to be in attendance at the time assigned to their tryout team.

The initial try-out ice times will be posted on the NMHA website under “Schedules – Competitive Tryouts”

Upon arrival at the initial try-out, players will be provided with a try-out jersey and assigned a number for the duration of the try-out schedule. The initial try-outs will be attended by the head coach, as well as independent evaluators to assist with player assessment. After the initial try-outs, the AA team will be made and unsuccessful players will either be released or invited to join the continuation for the subsequent A and B team tryouts as applicable for the ages where A and B teams will be formed.  

Parents and players will be informed via the continuation website, where player numbers will be posted to indicate the results of try-outs, as well as further instructions on next steps, if applicable. Players may only attend continuations if invited to do so, which are planned for the week following the initial try-outs. Players who are not placed on a competitive team may participate in house league sort-outs.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the appropriate Director. We kindly ask that you do not email the head coach directly.  Thank you and good luck!  

Team Fees

Once the regular season begins, parents can expect to pay additional fees, “team fees”, to the team. These fees are used by the team for various expenses including but not limited to: NMHA game jersey deposit (refunded to the team at the end of the year), tournaments, team parties or events, extra practice ice, and miscellaneous team expenses such as pucks, or first aid supplies.

Jerseys and socks

Players will be given a pair of hockey socks and a set (home & away) of game jerseys. These jerseys are to be worn only for games. Players must have a separate practice jersey to wear at practice. NMHA game jerseys are collected and handed back at the end of the season.